Application Resources


Does your company have fewer than 10 employees?

Due to administrative limitations, micro-enterprises, which we define as those organizations with fewer than 10 employees, and not currently able to join the UN Global Compact. Such organizations are still encouraged to align with the Ten Principles and the ambition of the SDGs. Exceptions can be made by Network USA for micro-enterprise businesses that can demonstrate a long-term business relationship with the United Nations or are otherwise publicly recognized for the exceptional leadership in advance the Ten Principles and the SDGs.

Is your organization a non-business?

The UN Global Compact is multi-stakeholder but very much business led. We welcome non-businesses to join the UN Global Compact and especially encourage those non-businesses with a mission to support corporate responsibility and sustainability. When applying, please highlight the ways in which your organization enables corporate sustainability.

Is your organizations an academic institution?

Academic institutions are welcome to join the UN Global Compact, particularly those that support an enabling environment for corporate responsibility and sustainability. However, we ask that you first consider a commitment to our sister initiative focused on the role of academic, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME).

Is your company an institutional investor?

A commitment to the UN Global Compact from institutional investors is meaningful and encompasses your company's values across the organization. It complements a commitment to our sister initiative United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), which focuses on your investment decision making as they align with ESG principles.

What is the required financial contribution?

Financial contributions from participants is based on company revenue tier, such that larger companies pay more than smaller companies. The tiers are broken down below. Contributions for participation in the UN Global Compact from US companies are made to Network USA.

Global Compact Network USA is a 501c3 incorporated in Delaware and registered to do business in New York State and as such contributions to the Network are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Apply for Network USA membership as a foreign-based company


Company Name

Reason for contributing

Donation Level

Other amount:
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