UN Global Compact
Accelerating Seafood Sustainability
The ocean is vital to the well-being and prosperity of humankind. To achieve the global ambitions outlined in the SDGs, we are facing a need to expand our use of the ocean to produce food, energy and raw materials, as well as support transportation. Carrying out these activities in a sustainable manner will contribute to reducing global warming and environmental degradation. Today, threats such as overfishing, marine litter and acidification have put the health of the world’s ocean in a very fragile state.
Maintaining healthy ocean environments is a fundamental precondition for business to operate long-term, and addressing current challenges provides a significant business opportunity.
Join us for the launch of our new sustainable seafood brief and hear about the needs of the different parts of the seafood value chain to enable a market pull for sustainable seafood. This meeting will bring together representatives from the seafood industry (aquaculture, fisheries), retail, policy and finance, and will mark the first of several webinars as part of the ‘Blue Road towards COP26’ series.